
Certificate ProgramS

Our certificates offer adult learners the opportunity to deepen and broaden their knowledge of the Protestant tradition through subject-area certificates in the foundational disciplines of the Christian faith. 

Certificates offered

Our certificates are 15-credit courses of study that can serve as an enrichment degree for life-long learners seeking deeper knowledge of the Protestant tradition. They can also serve to equip lay church leaders, or as a qualification for Christian secondary-school or adult education teachers, or as a strong launch-pad into further graduate study. Most courses are online-only, meeting 2 hrs./wk. for 10 wks, as well as recorded lectures. We offer certificates in 8 different disciplines.

Protestant Foundations

15 Credits
AN INTRODUCTION TO biblical wisdom (video module)

(1 credit) (SEE HERE)

CHRIST AND HIS WORK (video module)

(1 credit) (SEE HERE)


(1 credit) (SEE HERE)

Natural Law and Scriptural Authority

(2 credits)

Protestant Moral Theology

(2 credits)

Philosophy for Theology

(2 credits)

Reformation and the Modern World

(2 credits)


(4 credits)

biblical Studies

15 Credits
an introduction to Biblical Wisdom (VIDEO Module)

(1 credit) (SEE HERE)

Natural Law and Scriptural Authority

(2 credits)

6 Biblical Studies electives

(12 credits)

Theological Studies

15 Credits
AN INTRODUCTION TO biblical wisdom (video module)

(1 credit) (SEE HERE)

CHRIST AND HIS WORK (video module)

(1 credit) (SEE HERE)


(1 credit) (SEE HERE)

Philosophy for Theology

(2 credits)

5 Theological Studies electives

(10 credits)

Christian History

15 Credits
The Story of Ancient & Medieval Christendom (VIDEO Module) 

Coming soon

(1 credit)

The Reformation and the Modern World

(2 credits)

6 Christian History electives

(12 credits)

Christian philosophy

15 Credits
Philosophy for Theology

(2 credits)

6 Philosophy electives

(12 credits)


15 Credits

(1 credit)


(2 credit)


(12 credits – in no more than two langauges)

Looking to dig deeper?

If you’re looking to dig deeper and lay a broader foundation in your grasp and application of classical Protestantism, consider enrolling in our M.Litt. or M.St. program instead.


For OUr Certificates

For full-time students, the total cost of our program is between $2,247 – $4,024 depending on the certificate chosen. Part-time students pay somewhat more, but still much less than any comparable programs.

Full-Time vs. Part-Time

Degree-seeking students can, like non-degree seeking students, register for individual courses on a term-by-term basis and apply these credits to their degree, so long as they fulfill all certificate requirements within three years of matriculation (exemptions for longer periods of completion may be granted on a case-by-case basis by appeal to the Provost). The standard rate for such classes is $449 for most 2-credit classes, and $600 for 2-credit language classes. However, full-time students (those taking at least four and ideally five classes per term) pay at a lower rate: $325 for 2-credit classes and $600 for 2-credit language classes. Lecture modules for degree seeking students are at a discounted rate of $99.


Do I need to be a graduate student or seminarian to participate in a course?

No, in fact, you do not need to currently belong to an academic institution at all. Undergraduate students, pastors, teachers, and independent scholars are welcome as well.

Do I need to apply?

If you want to participate as a degree-seeking student in our Certificate, then yes, you do, although the application process is very straightforward. Apply below for the Certificate. If you are participating as an auditor or just want to take individual classes for credit now (which could later be applied to the Certificate or M.Litt), then no, you can just register for individual courses.

Are there any prerequisites for courses?

Not generally, although certain individual classes may require certain other classes as prerequisites. All classes are open to students 18 years old and above who are capable of deep reading, charitable engagement, and coherent writing (though of course students will be expected to grow in these skills through participation).

Can I enroll in more than one certificate?

Yes, you can! Students enrolled in multiple certificates can count core courses as dual credit, as long as the courses meet the requirements of both certificates. Electives cannot count towards multiple certificates.

What is the time commitment?

The standard format for all online courses will be 10 weeks, 2 hrs/wk. Credit-seeking students should plan on spending roughly 4 hrs./wk. on average outside of class for each online course. Full-time students should plan on enrolling on five classes each term (no less than four, no more than six).

How do the live classes work?

All of our live classes use industry-leading videoconferencing software, Zoom. Recordings of each class session, including any “whiteboards” or screen-shares, will be made available for students who were unable to make a particular class meeting.

Does it matter what time zone I am in?

It is important that for-credit students be able to participate in most of the live classes, although auditors may participate via recordings only if desired. It is our goal to schedule live class times that will fit within normal waking hours for all enrolled students, wherever they live on the globe, though obviously the times will be more convenient for some than others. After the registration deadline, students will be polled to determine suitable class meeting times, and the time that works best for all participants will be selected. If the resulting time does not work for you, you will have the option of (a) switching to auditor and watching recordings, (b) switching to a different course, (c) receiving a full refund.

Is there a drop/add date?

Late registration begins two weeks prior to the start of a term. Students may still register for courses after the early registration deadline and before the term start date for an additional late registration fee. This fee is non-refundable, even if a student drops before the full refund drop deadline. Please consult the academic calendar in this catalog for exact dates.

  1. Drop (100% refund): Before the term starts, students may drop with a 100% tuition refund. Registration fee isnon-refundable.
  2. Drop (50% refund): Within the first two weeks of a term, students may drop the course with a 50% tuition refund. Registration fee is non-refundable. To drop, please email the registrar.
  3. Withdrawal: Within weeks three and four of a term, students who drop a course will receive no refund and will earn a “W” on their transcript. Students cannot drop after this time will receive a letter grade. To drop, please email the registrar.
What is the transfer credit policy?

 At this time, we do not accept transfer credits for our certificates. 

Are scholarships available?

At present, no. We have made an effort to price these classes at rock-bottom levels, so that cost will not be an obstacle to most students. Moreover, students who complete the M.Litt will be eligible for generous scholarships from the Davenant Institute toward future graduate study. In particular, any student who successfully completes the M.Litt and then goes on to finish a PhD in an approved program (including the partnership with Union Theological College) will, upon successful completion of their PhD, receive a reimbursement of all tuition paid for the M.Litt. See the TUITION REIMBURSEMENT POLICY for details.

Is your program currently accredited?

Davenant Hall is not currently accredited by any outside agency, although we believe our courses and our program as a whole conform to high standards of professional qualification, academic rigor, and student assessment. However, we are currently building relationships with other academic institutions to have our courses and degrees recognized for transfer credit or advanced standing.

Can I receive credit toward a degree at another institution?

The Davenant Institute has excellent relationships with numerous institutions of higher education, at the undergraduate, graduate, and seminary levels, and will be working over the coming years to establish transfer-credit arrangements with such institutions. If you would like to inquire about the possibility of such an arrangement with your current institution, please contact Tim Jacobs, our Assistant Provost, at t.jacobs@davenantinstitute.org.

Have additional questions? Get in touch!

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Davenant Hall iS Reimagining

Theological Education.

Would you like to join us? We’d love to hear from you. If you have any further questions about the Certificate program or the application process, don’t hesitate to reach out.